My mom is an MSNBC liberal (😭), but is surprisingly receptive sometimes. She values my opinion.

She told me she wanted an app to listen to podcasts. I did send her the page for Citations Needed. I feel like this could be a good transition away from MSNBC.

Any other recommendations? Even if it’s just an episode?

Side note, I sent her a Parenti quote and she said she liked it 😏

    122 years ago

    Citations Needed as you mentioned is the best i have found for radicalizing, they are leftists but have enough msm credentials libs are more likely to listen to them

    • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      112 years ago

      I agree. I think helping people realize the media is not their friend is a good first step in the process. Unfortunately, people have to learn things on their own. You can’t force correct opinions onto someone else.