This is a mandatory check in btw

    112 years ago

    Pretty shit, thanks.

    A lot of people are saying we’re “teetering on the brink of apocalypse”. I can’t shake the feeling this ship has sailed. That we are already full steam ahead to extinction. That the material processes that drive history are already set and we cannot stop this engine, even if the current ruling class had any interest in helping - and they clearly do not. I’m trying to read theory and collaborate with local comrades, but all of this feels like slapping a bandaid on an open belly wound. And even if we somehow pull through, if capitalism will fail to kill us all and a revolution will finally free us - how many will not live to see it? How many comrades drowned in mud in the trenches of WW1 and had no idea the October Revolution succeeded? How many would later be tortured to death by Nazis?

    Normally I would try to distract myself with hobbies - reading fiction or painting miniatures. But all of it feels hollow and pointless in the face of likely upcoming extinction. It’s likely what comrade Dank has described observing in others. The passive attitude and going through the motions.