There are only so many more braindead, agenda-fueled smug remarks I can deal with at this point and I’ve lost all hope of changing most of these people. Just this evening I commented a one sentence defense of China’s foreign policy on reddit only to get every single one of my comments from the past week bombarded by a guy spamming Taiwan emojis and calling me a “CCP slave girl who should go to the Xinjiang rape camps”. It’s tiring

    172 years ago

    Most people don’t give a fk. They just wanna be part of what’s popular, even if that’s literally fascism. If they regurgitate the line, nobody sees them as strange, and their way of life is not threatened. If someone goes against the status quo that shakes their boots and they react viscerally. It’s okay to give up on people like that. You can trust them to react in this way. Really it’s sad they don’t know any better. Full of hatred to what they simply don’t or can’t comprehend. Treat them nicely bc they’re nearly mindless. As soon as the insults start flying. Goodbye. You can’t change these people, they’re pretty much cursed.

    Maybe some day they’ll realize they’re so hateful. Maybe you can ask them why they are so hateful. It’s up to you, but don’t be troubled by them. Nice to have you on lemmygrad!