There are only so many more braindead, agenda-fueled smug remarks I can deal with at this point and I’ve lost all hope of changing most of these people. Just this evening I commented a one sentence defense of China’s foreign policy on reddit only to get every single one of my comments from the past week bombarded by a guy spamming Taiwan emojis and calling me a “CCP slave girl who should go to the Xinjiang rape camps”. It’s tiring

  • Average PFLP EnjoyerOP
    182 years ago

    I think we should stay clear of reddit and discord, they really are the cesspits of the internet. I’m trying to depoliticise my TikTok algorithm as well so this ends up being my only outlet for political discussion and I don’t lose any more will to live. Marxism really makes you believe that shitpost “tolerant left” meme conservatives use on a whole other level - I don’t think I’ve ever commented on r/worldnews without either a rape threat in the DMs or being called Kremlin propaganda

    People in real life are definitely much more rational and easier to explain things to than their online counterparts. The internet makes people so aggressive, maybe it’s the anonymity idk

      122 years ago

      I think it absolutely is. Nobody is going to say that shit in real life. I still don’t understand it, though, because the internet literally is just another form of communication. Why can’t people just treat it like that? It’s so weird that people’s knee-jerk response is toxicity and being braindead.

      • SovereignState
        102 years ago

        It amazes me when people use Facebook to spew the most vile shit imaginable, when they’re using their real name, pictures of themselves and their kids, with their location easily accessible. I’m surprised the murder rate over Facebook fights isn’t astronomically high. I used to act like that when I was 17, but I know 30-60 year olds who are playing with absolute fire on there, without any anonymity. They’re also mostly fine seeming IRL, even though their inner, fascist demons are on full display online.