Seems like many companies product quality has plummeted over the last few years. For example, Google (despite its flaws), used to have good products and services. Now they are virtually unusable.

My doctor sent me forms to my Gmail and I never got them. I looked it up and apparently Gmail has the document provider blocked so you literally cannot get medical forms. Stuff like this happens all the time now! Their search engine is nothing but sponsored ads now.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I just think it’s funny that capitalism ends up making much much worse products over time.

  • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.mlOP
    192 years ago

    This is exactly what google does now. They buy up all competition and either shelve it completely, change it to extract as much profit as possible (usually ruining it), or never update it.

      122 years ago

      That doesn’t surprise me at all. I bet they bleed universities / colleges for new research that never makes it to the public.

      There are lots of fairly good google services that just become unusable over time, like blogger. Never updated. Never replaced.