• redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I’ll justify my downvote.

    Where I am, the rhetoric of co-existence has led us to a place where, even though most people are vaccinated and single, double, or tripple boosted, there are still loads of cases, loads of deaths, and the health service is doubly fucked because of it, and it wasn’t in great shape to start with. Not to mention loads of people with COVID get bedridden until they recover. Plus the compounding effects of long COVID.

    Almost nobody wears a mask. Nobody keeps their distance. Nobody opens windows or doors. Ventilation is shit. Kids go to school with COVID. Adults go to work with COVID. Lecturer theatres, stadiums, theatres, festivals, etc, get full, and COVID runs rampant. Some restaurants have crammed in more tables than they had pre-COVID to make up for all the lost revenue.

    The only people who seem to wear masks are me (90% of the time), the elderly, and a few younger vulnerable people.

    Unless someone has a medical condition, wearing a mask is no hardship whatsoever. I can wear an FFP3 doing manual labour all day, in anything less than 40°C, no problem, and I’m fit enough but not the fittest person in the world. But people don’t need to wear such a mask. An FFP2 is almost as good for COVID. And a medical mask is less hardship than wrapping a scarf around my face in winter.

    So I downvoted the comment because the rhetoric of co-existance in a capitalist society has turned into exactly what I would expect it to become in this death cult: care about nobody but yourself; if someone dies or gets ill, it’s due to their own moral failing; if someone is vulnerable and gets it, they should have stayed indoors. Fuck everyone, so long as you don’t have to suffer the mildest of inconveniences.

    Now, I realise you didn’t say half of this. And when I say ‘you’ I’m not saying you. I just outright reject the idea of co-existance.

    There are lots of policy choices between full lockdowns and ‘just live with it’. Unfortunately, co-existence has become the latter.

    Edit: changed 40° to 40°C for clarity.

    • hegginses@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      In your case I understand that it is one of many where governments are too eager to open up and do so against the science, thus sacrificing people to the economy. I’m only saying that I believe there is a point where COVID restrictions can go away and some countries/territories are at that stage right now