Well it’s true that emissions from flights of all kinds are a massive problem. But I am trying to think of a scenario where this is helpful and I can’t. Seems entirely performative.

I would much rather be able to take high speed rail than a flight.

  • @triplenadir@lemmygrad.ml
    102 years ago

    even if it were useful to show carbon emissions, the numbers seem sketchy. a dedicated flight carbon calculator says the same flight is almost 80kg CO2 per passenger, i.e. 1/3 higher: https://www.icao.int/environmental-protection/CarbonOffset/Pages/default.aspx

    Google already does shady advertising for the airline industry too through massively under-reporting journey times for flying when it suggests a plane journey on Google maps (recently I saw it say that a 5 hour train journey could be done in under 90 minutes by plane… but that didn’t include getting to the airport, checking in, boarding, or travelling from the destination airport, and if you added all those it was more than 5 hours…) - so giving bogus carbon numbers, likely taken from the airlines’ “self reporting”, doesn’t surprise me.