Users of the Signal messaging app got hit by a hacker attack. We analyze what happened and why the attack demonstrates that Signal is reliable.

  • @FriendBesto
    42 years ago

    I use Signal for now, however, I do not like the direction they are going. Like, implementing a wallet to name just one. I have been playing with DeltaChat for a while and I like it. As it can use any email address, like a throwaway one, instead of a phone number. Plus, the reusing of email allows for even the most non-tech person to jump in.

    Too bad 2/3 of everyone I know is hooked to Whatsapp or FB Messenger, and do not understand nor care about privacy at all.

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      12 years ago

      I agree on the signal thing. But using email is literally one of the worst options out there, XMPP+OMEMO or ever matrix are way more private and secure.#