If this is in the wrong community let me know, but I have been away from linux for a little while now, and I have decided to come back to it. I am trying to figure out what Distro and Desktop environment I should use.

I used to use Ubuntu and, Ubuntu based Distributions, though for various reasons I had bad experiences with the ones based down stream of Ubuntu, I have also heard that Ubuntu is no longer nearly as good as they where before. As for desktop Experences, I never really liked Gnome. That being said from what I can tell there has been quite a bit that has changed sense I left, and any recommendations would be much appreciated.

  • @whoami@lemmygrad.ml
    62 years ago

    For something easy, Linux Mint with cinammon or xfce, or MATE, since you say you don’t like gnome. Linux mint is easy to use and based on ubuntu/debian so lots of software available, and mint is user friendly. It also has cool tools like timeshfit and warpinator.

    If you feel more comfortable with linux, Debian is a great choice. Either stable with backports and flatpak, or use the unstable branch (sid).

    Desktop environment all depends on your preferences. You say you don’t like gnome, after that it’s just if you like traditional desktops or are interested in something more minimal, like tiling. My own preferences:

    DE: XFCE or MATE

    WM: cwm (https://man.openbsd.org/cwm.1) ctwm, fluxbox, xmonad (tiling window manager)

    I can’t give cwm enough of a recommend if you like things that are minimal and stay out of your way.