• Red Army Dog Cooper
    12 years ago

    Are you telling me that if someone who is a communist said “your drunk, dont drive.” you would drive, and endanger yourself and others, instead of calling a taxi, or walking home, or calling a friend to take you home. You understand Vehicle colisions tend to be multiple 2 or more vehicles, and I the other person did not drink, and should be able to expect a general duty of care when you drive a multiple ton machine at 45+ Miles per hour. They also very well could not agree with you that their life, and the life of their loved ones is worth less than McCarthy era ideas. Have a little more respect for your fellow human

    • @pancake
      12 years ago

      No, I wouldn’t. I thought this meme was sarcastic (OP seems to confirm), and I was being sarcastic too. I’m a Marxist-Leninist. Good argument tho, but you should try to make them shorter, some libs don’t like reading.