Anyone interested in scraping and doing a backup, I’d be more than happy to help.

  • 無門關
    54 years ago

    While I am very ideologically inclined to the piracy culture (which I’m glad is slowly being kept alive by communities like this), I can’t help but express concerns about the attention our website might get. Won’t we face trouble when uploading these links/files?

    I’ll take the opportunity to ask something: can we share any torrents, or only torrents we’ve uploaded?

    • DessalinesOPMA
      84 years ago

      Yep you can share torrents on here. I’m backing up the DB, and I can and will move this hosting to anywhere safest. The instance is running outside the US, and I could potentially move this there as well.

      If this gets more attention bc of piracy, remember that this is easily self-hostable, and once federation is done, any anti-piracy companies would have to target hundreds of instances.