I hate the United States. Simple as.

The weirdest struggle for me comes in the form of a thick line between the masses’ reality and my personal experience. I am currently pretty removed from the more severe aspects of capitalism failing (working as intended) but I also have the knowledge that the majority of people in this country (and the world, really) are just barely getting by. This causes some fear to strike in my brain.

The fear comes from:

a.) The possibility of having invested so much time studying politics and Marxism-Leninism just for it to be wrong, capitalism really does work and this was for nothing. Things aren’t really that bad, and (to paraphrase from DankZedong’s post similar to this one a few days ago) we Marxists are just missing the point. Conclusion: I am the insane one.


b.) The possibility of us being entirely correct and everyone else around me having bought into the game, this weird cult of capital. Conclusion: The society/system is insane.

Which is it? Are we really just batshit crazy? Or are we the few who have the time/capabilities/desire to understand Marxism and dialectical materialism? Why are we such a minority if what we fight for is directly in the interest of the majority?

I’m scared, send help and hugs

  • I was also insecure for a while when I was learning about imperialism for the first time, but at this point, the only way “a” could be true is if
    a) there’s an incredibly elaborate conspiracy to make Amerika look thoroughly evil, and Amerika’s various admissions of guilt (through internal CIA documents, etc.) are fake for some reason, or
    b) I’m imagining all of this and none of you are real, which isn’t exactly a materialist view

    also, here’s a virtual hug in image form