I am talking to people on this dating app, hinge, and this idea has popped up several times. And while I think I get it I’m not sure exactly what they mean. Of course, everyone has their own interpretation of what they think they mean by it, but I was wondering if you all had anything you wanted to add to it.

Is it being open to being vulnerable with each other?

I found this and I thought it was pretty good actually…

  • DankZedong
    2 years ago

    In my opinion it’s being ready to be with someone. To be able to look at someone and think: I want to be with you, despite our imperfections and despite what may come ahead. To show them your emotions without holding back.

    I have been in an abusive relationship for years and when it finally stopped I was single for over a year. I had to rediscover who I was really. Rediscover my interests, my friends, my family, my own passions and my own being. It made me learn a lot about myself. About why I did things the way I did, about why I felt things the way I did, about who made me feel things and why. During the relationship I used to think I was a shitty person with a lot of anger towards everything. But during my single period I found out I am the complete opposite. I’m a loving and caring person for everyone. A lot of things I claimed to hate weren’t things I actually hated. I was just too messed up to find my own way in my life.

    This discovery made me realize that I could never let anyone change who I was. Never again could someone control my life to the point I became hateful towards innocent things, because that’s not who I am. Sure, you can grow out of things and you can find new interests and ideologies, but I believe we all have a basic state of being.

    When I met my current girlfriend I was much more confident in who I was and I didn’t let her change that. Instead, I showed her who I am, what weaknesses I have and what my strong point are. And she did the same. And from here on we go forward, continually working things out with each other. It’s hard to explain but when you find someone like that it feels truly unique. We never fight and we resolve our problems by working things out together. We talk about our feelings, our weaknesses and our problems without shame and we don’t judge each other for it.

    I think I can do all this because deep down I know who I am and what my values are and that there are lines that can’t be crossed. I learned this through good times, bad times and through living my life and making mistakes. I haven’t figured life out yet of course but I do know who I am and what I can offer. I feel like that’s emotional availability. Not knowing everything perfectly but respecting yourself, your emotions and your boundaries and being able to learn from what happened without irrational anger. It does seem like that’s what your picture is trying to say.

    Edit: I’d like to add that I think it also includes not being with someone for the sake of being with someone, but rather because you feel ready to give yourself to someone else. To give your love, time, ideals, emotions and passion to another person that wants to do the same to you. To be comfortable with yourself alone, but also to give you to another person.

    Sorry if this is hard to follow, I did have a few drinks with my gf and my marxist group lmao

    • SpaceCowboyOP
      32 years ago

      Not hard to follow at all, and quite beautiful to hear your experience and journey. Thanks for sharing.