I decided recently that it was about time to get a job, however I don’t really know what I should be doing to achieve it. Right now I’m looking some job websites that I was recommended. I thought that I should ask here since I’m sure you all are more experienced than me.

Fortunately I’m in a position where getting a job is not urgent, I just don’t want to leech from my family.

I have noticed that most jobs require experience, but I can’t get experience if I don’t get a job. If I make some program and put it on GitHub or something, does that count as having experience, or at the very least would it give me better chances of getting hired? (I studied computer science stuff and I’m aiming for a programmer job)

Also, if a company wants to hire me, how is the process like? I mean, do I get a call or something?

Any help is appreciated.

  • IngrownMink4
    52 years ago

    Taking notes of your comment, thank you <3