Wikipedia is hard to vandalize due to having to 10000s of editors and 99% of the editors being cia, but this isn’t wikipedia so it’s the cia’s soft underbelly wiki. It has no citations, not even cia approved citations like al jazeera.

If nothing else, we can easily make a page about their lord and savior obama and add citation to lemmygrad.

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    52 years ago

    I would avoid linking it to Lemmygrad, but editing it sounds funny, only as long as the edits are obviously jokes. Like Stalin ate all the grain w Big Spoon, etc. not like “Stalin created 10,000 gulags” bc we recognize it’s a joke but others won’t. The more silly the better

    • @tomaw@lemmygrad.mlOP
      22 years ago

      Link to lemmygrad for when comrades stumble onto that page, they’ll see our work and know where to turn to find comradery