Mitch McConell says the quiet part out loud.

Exact full quote from CNN:

“People think, increasingly it appears, that we shouldn’t be doing this. Well, let me start by saying we haven’t lost a single American in this war,” McConnell said. “Most of the money that we spend related to Ukraine is actually spent in the US, replenishing weapons, more modern weapons. So it’s actually employing people here and improving our own military for what may lie ahead.”

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        9 months ago

        Because Russia fucked around during the elections, and how are in the find out phase.

        On a more serious note, it’s because it sends a message to many other nations (China for example) that invading have consequences. A good example of this was Hitler and Chamberlain: appeasement did not stop, but actually made worse, the situation. It costs less this way in the long term

          59 months ago

          Also Russia is spending so much money in Ukraine which means they hav less money to fuck with elections. I have seen talk of republican campaigns having serious funding problems now. Hmm why might that be? Russia has been incredibly effective at funding disinformation and promoting right wing fascist candidates compared to what they have spent.

      • @KerPop47
        39 months ago

        Because we promised to help them, and Ukraine deserves independence.

        We supply Saudi Arabia with missiles that hit school busses, we should at least also help protect a democracy from being re-colonized.

        Putin’s Russia is cruel and exploitative. The best thing we can do as a world leader is help a smaller country stand up for itself.

        • radiofreeval [she/her]
          9 months ago

          In this war anything is a military target. Apartments, schools, gas stations and civilian infrastructure get bombed. We are going to see more missiles hit school busses.

        • We’re not a world police and shouldn’t be acting like this and we very suspiciously only help very specific countries enforce their independence