• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
    42 years ago

    I don’t see anybody rooting for the death of the oppressed here. What’s being said is that the current system is responsible for often horrific and continuously deteriorating conditions for the majority. The cost of changing this system has to be weighed against the cost of allowing it to continue to operate.

    • @Slatlun
      02 years ago

      When a person responds to an article showing the acceleration of genocide on specific ethnic groups with “Inshallah it will fall further” they are no longer commenting on the state of the US. They are condoning the early deaths of my friends and family, people who are historically oppressed as a means to an end. These are people who have been fighting for their rights from a ruling class while trying to hold onto themselves for centuries. If the response is the US is bad so anything with a negative number in the US is good, well, that is reductionist at best.