The problem is this, when i’m playing these two games in particular, after 15 or 20 minutes the wi-fi completely disappear, no wi-fis being displayed and if i try to turn off and back on it freezes until i wait a couple of seconds for it to unfreeze. The heck is this? I’m using kde manjaro

  • GushOP
    1 year ago

    Thanks, i’ll install it as soon as i find a new distro to use. Thinking about Debian

    • ReakDuck
      1 year ago

      If you still like new packages and Arch Linux, you can use EndavourOS. Manjaro is way too weird.

      Debian has more “frozen packages” which may still be a good and stable option but as soon as you want the newest packages like GPU drivers and etc then you may encounter issues because debian would probably have a bit older ones. But I guess you can add package repos to get newest things from GPU drivers, not entirely into it.

      Best thing, distrohop and try various things out that fit your personality or taste