• Leah:)🏳️‍⚧️
    162 years ago

    B-but hes good philapronpist who gives loads of the big monie to his also rich buddies for competeing in his sitting in a burger mansion for 24 hours challange! ((((gone rworng))) gone fishin gon sexuasl))

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOP
      142 years ago

      I’ve ranted at length about this before, but Mr. Beast did literally nothing for Team Trees and Team Seas. Every other YouTuber did the grunt of the marketing, regular people donated the money, environmental nonprofits did the actual work. He didn’t even come up with the idea, his subscribers input ideas and voted on them!

      While the campaigns were running, Mr. Beast, was busying himself giving away fleets of Lamborghinis to other rich people. While the fuxking campaigns were running, he was spending fuck-you amounts of money on hedonism instead of donating any of it to what’s supposed to be his own initiative. Wow! What a wonderful “giving back to the Earth for my subscription milestone” celebration you had!