I’ve been considering making a sub based around recommendations for businesses to support (co-ops, directly buying from workers overseas, etc.), but haven’t got around to it yet.

My question is - does anyone have a good website for clothing? I don’t buy much any longer, but I’d like to try to buy as close to the source as possible. Feels like most of what I see here in the US are just bought from the East and then they just jack the price up as much as possible.

I’m rambling a bit, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • DankZedong
    92 years ago

    I thrift almost everything, from my furniture to my clothing to whatever thing I need. If I can thrift it in a decent condition, I’ll do it.

    For the things I can’t thrift, I’ll look if there are local brands that produce it. This works well for furniture and clothing, but is harder for stuff like hiking gear etc. if you’re looking for that.

    I then look how they make these clothing and go ask where they get their stuff from. A lot of small business here make sustainable fashion, so I have lots of options. They’re not necessarily anti-capitalist though, that’s a bit harder (but not impossible).

    A sub dedicated to this would be great. Especially because this site has a diverse userbase, so people might actually find local things on there.