I’m talking about everything before the revolutionary period, mostly so it doesn’t bother me if the author is a lib. I just care about how factual said book is. Don’t worry, i will eventually read one about the revolution…

  • Makan ☭ CPUSA
    23 years ago

    ^ Sorry, hope this isn’t a dumb question. Just wondering what you’re looking for exactly. I take it that you mean anything before the Qing dynasty was dissolved.

    • @camaron28@lemmygrad.mlOP
      33 years ago

      I guess the entire history, but that may be too much for a single book.

      Qin Shi Huang or before-just up to the revolution.

      • Makan ☭ CPUSA
        33 years ago

        Oh, gotcha. I’m guessing you mean either up to 1927 when China technically had its first revolution with the aid of the Communist Party of China or 1949 when the PRC was officially made.