Besides the cringe invoked by seeing poor people defending those millionaires from wealthy “blue on Wikipedia” parents, could it be the sign of a community loss? Maybe it’s too bold to say this, but I feel like people, being unable to form and support real life relationships in vicious life-work cycle and everything done to us, they rely on celebrities, who are one click away. It’s even worse with youtubers, imo. Singers and actors might seem distant from a regular person, as they are, but youtubers are like your neighborhood buddy. I would love to hear what you are thinking about this, maybe I’m overanalyzing.

  • @TheConquestOfBed
    2 years ago

    The alienation train has left the station. Now it’s a superhighway. 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃 🚛🚗🚙🚗🚙🛻🚚🚙🚗🚕🚗🚗🚗🚐🚗🚗🚙🚙🛻🚐