    52 years ago

    Meanwhile a decision in the opposite direction has been made in Germany. In Germany physicians were not allowed to publicly advertise if they were offering abortions. Now the law preventing that has been abolished.

    In my opinion this was well overdue. To be honest, I can’t quite fathom what’s going on in the US. Can anyone explain why the republicans are so hellbent on forcing women to have babies they do not want?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
      2 years ago

      Capitalism demands an ever growing population of workers and consumers, a reserve army of labor. They have destroyed our living conditions over the years through wage cuts, soaring inflation, and austerity, and now they force people to have children to keep their inhumane and profit driven world running smoothly. US ruling class makes it hard to get abortions and contraception, and then provide no childcare or support afterwards. The working class are treated like human cattle whose only purpose is to make them money.