Is anyone here interested in starting with bonsai, already has some knowledge or are you curious about it and just want to lurk?

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

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    • ghost_laptopOPM
      13 years ago

      What I always hear from experts is that you should start by making, I’m not saying you shouldn’t let some seeds grow, but if you only do that you are going to start practicing bonsai technics in 6-7 years, you are probably going to fail and the tree is going to die (get used to killing a couple trees in the process) and you are going to learn very little in a lot of time. You should buy some sort of pine tree and start practicing a specific style (for a pine tree I would recommend you a moyogi or chokkan, they are also easy for beginners in contrast with something like takozukuri or fukinigashi).

      Also buying a tree that is already a bonsai with a few years is a nice experience since you can watch it and learn from it, you also get to do some annual trimming and so on, and it might give you the impulse to start practising. Just be aware that you probably are going to kill it.

      • @poVoq
        1 year ago

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        • ghost_laptopOPM
          13 years ago

          Yeah, that’s exactly what most people recommend, go to a nursery and buy a tree which a bit big but not too much and try and find one that has a nice shape for the style you are going to doing. All trees can be transformed into a bonsai, so yeah, nuresry trees are bonsai trees most of the time!

          I’ll try and search a good pine for beginners and also a website that goes through the very basics of style in general so you know more or less what to do. Please update if you do some progress!

          • ghost_laptopOPM
            23 years ago

            Here is a really nice and little list of the very basics to keep in mind when doing bonsai:

            Also, indoor bonsai most of time is totally totally not a good idea and anyway they will never grow as faster, bigger and more beautiful as outdoor ones.

            • @poVoq
              1 year ago

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              • ghost_laptopOPM
                13 years ago

                Great! I heard that cold helps at some point, too, although I’m not sure when or what it does.

                • @poVoq
                  1 year ago

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