I’m obviously exhausted with reddit and other clones. Lemmy is simple, clean, and fast.

I looked at the instances list and there are non linked. Is it not ready for federation or are there just not many lemmy instances out there?

I’m not proficient in Rust but I know the fediverse and pub/sub well after years of work. If I can be of assistance please let me know.

  • @xe8
    33 years ago

    The devs have just implemented federation in some test servers.

    See this post: https://lemmy.ml/post/41605

    I’d say the best way to help at the moment would be to help testing there before starting an instance.

    • @deadinsid3OP
      43 years ago

      I’d say the best way to help at the moment would be to help testing there before starting an instance.

      Thanks, I’ll get that started. I can launch many test instances (10) if we want to do a big test.