• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    23 years ago

    We obviously don’t have the technology to do this right now, but we can make thought experiments about it. While we don’t fully understand consciousness, that’s not the same as saying we have no idea at all about the nature of consciousness. Fundamentally, any procedure where you remain conscious throughout is not creating a replica since there is no disruption in the conscious process.

    • @abbenm
      23 years ago

      Right, and we can try to make progress on deciding whether a question falls into the category of logistical/technological, or whether it’s the type that wrestles with a big, profound philosophical question (e.g. the philosophical claim that You Can’t Copy Brains To Computers Because They’re Different And That’s That, or YCCBTCBTDATT for short.)