Lawmakers in the European Parliament plenary voted Wednesday to mandate that all new car and van sales should be zero emissions from 2035 as part of efforts to clean up road transport.

  • @Peter1986c
    2 years ago

    I guess they’ll be powered with electricity generated from gas (sourced from…?).

    Gotta start somewhere.

    Will citizens get subsidized high voltage lines to their homes or streetfront parking for fast charging?

    Europeans do not travel that far most of the time, unless on e.g. vacation. So fast charging is only really needed on e.g. major highways.

    Can the grid handle so many EVs?

    No, that why it needs overhauling in places. That is however a thing to worry about or national and local gov., not the EU.

    Never let perfect be the enemy of good.

    • krolden
      02 years ago

      Saying you can only have one type of power source for new cars is not perfect nor good. Its extremely short sighted and infeasible.Biodiesel take smuche less energy to produce than extracting natural gas (which is burned to produce most of the electricity these days) and other minerals used in battery production. You could say solar and wind will be used but those are not going to scale to the point of being avls to charge everyone’s car every day.

      I also dont like the idea of not being able to fuel your car up without it being near a charger. If I had an EV I would probably keep a multi fuel generator in the trunk.

      • @Peter1986c
        22 years ago

        Biofuels are taking valuable croplands that could be user for food production. And BEVs could run on e.g. nucleair fission until we figured stuff out more. Try that with combustion engines.

        • krolden
          2 years ago

          Well consider if we set aside half of the crop land we use for animal feed and used it to grow soybean biodiesel it would still be half as much land that we use to feed livestock. Yes I’m pulling these numbers out of my ass but I’m pretty sure they’ll be close to accurate.

          Also all the land we grow corn on that is refined into ethanol (a terrible fuel with a shelf life of barely a year) could be repurposed for much more efficient crops.

          Yes fission is great but I doubt we will stop extracting natural gas for energy production any time soon.