Original article: https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjby4b/anarchist-collective-shares-instructions-to-make-diy-abortion-pills

Original video: https://archive.org/details/FTVDIYA

Original Usage Information: https://archive.org/details/miso-medication/mode/2up

Original English subtitles file (SRT): https://archive.org/details/ftvdiya-subtitle

Video created by: Michael Laufer of The Four Thieves Vinegar Collective

This video was uploaded for archival purposes. Merchants of Misery cannot speak to the safety of making your own pills.

  • MerchantsOfMiseryOP
    3 years ago

    Who is the target audience?

    I answered this already. I said "This is meant for women who do not have access to Plan C or a doctor who will perform an abortion. "

    Where did I write that the creator of the video was a weirdo?

    You said

    “This doesn’t read like a package insert but more like a leaflet from some weirdo.”

    If you’re more concerned with arguing semantics about whether or not you explicitly referred to the video’s creator as a weirdo, that’s on you.

    And how is it my job to research those pills when there’s a literal document with missing information?

    I didn’t say it was your job, I said if you’re curious enough to be interested in a discussion about this important subject, I would encourage you to be an adult and look into the wealth of information available on this DIY process and the main drug it relies on for efficacy.