I wish I was born in a socialist country; I would’ve had better development and been able to accomplish more goals.

Alas… I was born in the U.S. So I ate a ton of junk food and now I have some health issues. Digestion influences the Brain, so eating healthier foods could improve my thinking.

EDIT: Don’t forget about the shitty effects of the suburbs and education system!

  • loathesome dongeater
    82 years ago

    If you can start eating better a lot of the damage done by fast food consumption can be undone. The body is more resilient than you might think.

    Obviously this does not address the crux of the problem you have. Access to junk food is much easier than good food, the result of which is that more often than not eating healthy is an uphill battle. But it’s something worth investing effort into, as taking strict control of your diet is a helpful skill. You should always looks out for number one first.

    • AmiceseOP
      1 year ago

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