I am now supporting the PREsearch search engine with an small node at home. 😎
Presearch is a decentralized search engine powered by the community. Search privately, receive better results and get rewarded with the Presearch decentralized search engine, powered by blockchain technology. https://www.presearch.io/
2022-06-07T06:43:20.052Z info: presearch-node - v1.0.2 2022-06-07T06:43:20.053Z info: [gateway.presearch.com] Connecting… 2022-06-07T06:43:21.519Z info: Saved public key! 2022-06-07T06:43:21.523Z info: Saved private key! 2022-06-07T06:43:24.040Z info: [eu-de-1.gateway.presearch.com] Connecting… 2022-06-07T06:43:24.673Z info: Node is listening for searches…
how exactly does it work ?
does the node connect to the main presearch instance ?
also how does the crawling work, is it similar to yacy ?
Good questions - I do not know all the answer yet. Also the mainnet, which this decentralized is also in ramping up phase and underway. My node did for example not yet receive any search job jet. As I understood they are building an own index, but also acting as a meta search engine. Node then will process request to Google, Bing and so on.