ex Cross-post material to other instances and make new sublemmies on other instances.

Im not sure how to accomplish this. In something like reddit, they could do something like upvotes from a foreign instance counts as x3 upvotes. I have my upvotes turned off on lemmy though.


  • @zksmk
    2 years ago

    I think the simplest solution to prevent centralization on one instance is if this feature were implemented (there’s already an issue on the github for it, but it’s not high priority): For example, lemmy.ml/A/asklemmy would show posts from all /C/asklemmy from all federated instances, not just lemmy.ml’s asklemmy, so it wouldn’t matter on what instance you made a post within a community, they’d all show up there, if you chose to use that link.

    You could still use individual communities on different instances, but you could also treat them as a single unified connected thing if you wanted to.

    As it is now, communities on smaller instances get completely ignored.