ex Cross-post material to other instances and make new sublemmies on other instances.

Im not sure how to accomplish this. In something like reddit, they could do something like upvotes from a foreign instance counts as x3 upvotes. I have my upvotes turned off on lemmy though.


  • @_ed@sopuli.xyz
    52 years ago

    I think this is more of a content/curation issue than a structural one. While you might find a way to improve discovery of communities on the platform, at the moment you are able to do so with a litle effort via communities/all

    Bottom line. An external instance has to have something you want that cannot be found locally. One approach - Lemmy.ml could look to curate its communites and provide a method to redirect communities better suited to other instances. This adds to the workload/interactions between admins., though.

    • @_ed@sopuli.xyz
      12 years ago

      if generalist communities like /lego are being set up on lemmy main its pretty much the flagship. I dont think the smaller generalist instances will grow.