• abraxas
    11 months ago

    Let’s look at your statement:

    No, I think I’m good. Unfortunately, I’ve run out of good-faith today. I’m not convinced the truth matters to you anymore. Especially because after painfully being charitable with you and even apologizing for how my statement came out, you answered in the tone you did.

    You can ignore this below because it’s not for you, but for people reading this who don’t know.

    Note to anyone who wants to analyze this person’s opinion to see if they are really responding in bad-faith, they actively avoided any topic except Vitamin B12. Also to those readers, most B12 supplements come from bacteria that is arguably as sentient as the meat it replaces. If your’e considering veganism, PLEASE educate yourselves from something other than other vegans. I know several who have been hospitalized. It IS possible to be a healthy vegan, and it IS sustainable if not too many people become vegan. It is a lot of effort, and at some point you need to decide whether you exert enough effort into your health to do so with veganism.

    EDIT: I am such an idiot. Here I go again feeding the trolls.

    Regardless of bioavailabililty, as many as 92% of vegans suffer from B12 deficiency in studies and tests, which substantiates the idea that maybe we don’t know everything about how to tell if a bacteria-derived B12 supplement is really being digested the same as B12 in meat. The reference I provided suggests that the underlying issue is stunted digestion across-the-board and argues it well enough to be compelling. Note, the reference above is NOT an anti-vegan site, just a guy who does serious research into whatever contentous topics he can find (including interviewing with experts) and vlogs about them.

    It really helps answer the mysteries as to why 84% of people who start vegan diets ultimately have to stop them (added ref with a similar but lower citation). A majority of those who revert from veganism/vegetarianism do so for exclusively health reasons.