Cryptobros gonna cryptobro

  • overflow
    3 years ago

    yeah so the people in africa and el salvador using crypto that are preserving their purchasing power are being scammed I never said that crypto was this perfect thing that’d fix everything and I have constantly presented it as only a stopgap solution to help in the meanwhile. I’m going to give a real scenario in my country the banking system is controlled by a cartel that funds the two major political parties in power these banks knowing of their situation have denied accounts to any alternative political parties and it’s not farfetched they could make up something to pin on these parties so that banks in other countries would cooperate with them and block them from making accounts in those countries as well what other than crypto would provide a neutral payment platform to ensure that we can fund our only hope of having a functional country whether through the ballot box/violent revolution you need money to be able to form the government and if you don’t have that then sorry you’re shit out of luck. We’ve been granted bailout from the imf time and time again for the politicians to loot our treasury and raise taxes in order to keep our country on life i’ll say it again debt relief is relief we also have plenty of people whether local or foreign who performs acts of kindness everyday of course it help it somewhat but as long as we have the same political parties in power we’ll forever be receivers and not givers and as long as they still breath the oligarchs will use any means to crush any chance of us gaining political and economic power including through weaponizing the centralized banking system even if all turns out happily ever after the possibility of the centralized banking system being weaponized will always be possible and crypto is the only payment system that is uncensorable

    • rysiek@szmer.infoOP
      3 years ago

      Oh wow, that’s a lot of energy (and thought, I guess) that went into writing this one!

      Bit unfortunate most people (including yours truly) will just ignore this wall of text due to lack of punctuation and general readability. 🤷‍♀️