Email the hypocrites @ the Linux foundation, tell them they are a bunch of fake people milking the Linux name by using proprietary software on their daily work, one will think they will support Linux and open source as much as possible specially when there are good options to adobe shit and apple/windows CRAP. enough is enough if they want to use OSX they should have called them self the OSX foundation or the Adobe foundation period!

  • @Stoned_Ape
    04 years ago

    I guess this might really be a problem with what RMS warned about: To confuse “Linux” with the whole operating system. Linux is just the kernel, and Linus Torvalds is just a guy that really like to code. He repeatedly stated that he doesn’t care for the ethics of licenses. He just wants to code.

    Don’t get me wrong. I really dig this dude. There is nothing wrong with just coding and not caring about ethics and morals. Everyone is different. I’m just making sure that nobody thinks I’m disrespecting anyone.

    I guess we might see the Linux Foundation as something that represents what we have in front of us when we’re using Gnome or KDE, or when we are using GNU utils on our favorite shell. Or we might think that the Linux Foundation stands for copyleft or free and open source software But that’s not how it is. The Linux Foundation is just about the kernel. That’s it.

    If you take that in mind… I ask myself: Why would they need to use FOSS for reports, when they never really stood for FOSS? You’d have a strong argument against the FSF if they would do something like that, because that is their stance. But did the LF in fact ever boast about FOSS? Is that their core, their goal?