Keep promoting one corporation having control over all application interactions. Such a glorious future we can all look forward to under the watchful gaze of the CCP / corporate America.
Indeed, you’re utterly unable to engage with what’s being said and bleat about see see pee being the dimwit that you are. You can’t even comprehend the fact that if apps were designed as API first then it could be done using open source model because you lack cognitive capacity to carry this discussion.
Thank you for taking your valuable time away from sniffing glue to write this insightful comment.
Keep promoting one corporation having control over all application interactions. Such a glorious future we can all look forward to under the watchful gaze of the CCP / corporate America.
Literally has nothing to do with anything I said. Gotta put more effort into your trolling kiddo. 🤣
Indeed, you’re utterly unable to engage with what’s being said and bleat about see see pee being the dimwit that you are. You can’t even comprehend the fact that if apps were designed as API first then it could be done using open source model because you lack cognitive capacity to carry this discussion.