Our goal is ambitious: to push the book all the way to number one and to land it on the New York Times bestseller list. This is a stretch, but it’s genuinely within reach if all of us pull together. To have the book already ranked in the top 100 means there is serious momentum, but we have to keep it up.

If you already pre-ordered a copy, consider pre-ordering a few more for friends and family. And forward this email to anybody who’d be interested.

Because there has been so much demand for the book it is likely to sell out on Tuesday, the day it officially comes out, which means the way to get your copy and have it count toward the rankings is to pre-order it from Bookshop.org or Amazon before Tuesday. (We hate Amazon as much as you do, but its ranking is the one that the publishing industry cares about. Buying through Bookshop supports local bookstores and counts toward the NYT list.)

  • geneva_convenienceOP
    1 month ago

    Update: Amazon appears to have removed the buy button after copies sold out to prevent back-orders