• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    12 years ago

    I can’t see any direct use for this in terms of writing code. In my opinion, a fundamental problem with using AI generated code is that it takes a lot of effort to ensure that it’s actually correct. A good example of subtle bugs that can occur would Code Pilot generating code that works with money that uses floats. It technically works and compiles, but it’s semantically wrong.

    This sort of thing is very easy to miss, especially if the person using generated code doesn’t have sufficient domain knowledge. I suspect that for a lot of non trivial code the effort of validation is probably just as large as simply writing the code yourself.

    However, It might be interesting to have a system like GPT generate code to use as inspiration when you’re stuck solving a problem. You could look at the solution it produces and potentially get a useful idea of what to do from it. Is that what you mean by getting around tunnel vision?

    • Amicese
      1 year ago

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