• The SpectreOP
    3 months ago

    You are so confidently wrong that is funny, honestly.

    the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another


    Edit: It is so funny that white people believe that they can be the victim of racism when they literally created a system that makes that impossible. The system created by them is done to screw all marginalized groups and keep their white asses on top of the global hierarchy

    • parpol@programming.dev
      3 months ago

      You are so cherrypicking definitions, you think you’re cute.

      a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race also : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudice

      Hey, that sounds just like you.

      • The SpectreOP
        3 months ago

        You are literally the one cherry picking definitions when systematic racism is the system that we live on, which literally benefits white people. The definition that you are using is literally an outdated definition only used by right wing ideologues when they want to take away any programs or services that help close the gap between whites and non-whites like Affirmative Action because they are “racist”.

        You sound like Trump in this video honestly


        Criticizing white people as group for creating systematic racism and keeping it alive and voting against marginalized groups doesn’t hold your definition. People like you just hate when white people are called in their bullshit lmao.

        I guess that Martin Luther King was a racist for criticizing White Liberals and Black Liberation people were racist for criticizing white people treatment of blacks.

        But of course, oppressors always say that the oppressed are racist when they criticize their groups. Just see Zionists say that Arabs are racists for criticizing Israelis lmao.

        So gladly remove your ignorant right wing ass from Lemmy. Your policing against minorities won’t be missed. Your bigotry against minority groups won’t be missed. White people will be criticized for the all the bullshit that they have done, do and will keep doing until white supremacy stops existing.

        Your are literally only helping keep white supremacy stay alive with your argument.

        • parpol@programming.dev
          3 months ago

          My definition is the number 1 definition on the dictionary you linked.

          And here’s how definitions work:

          If you fall under only a single of the definitions, you are as defined. I.e. maybe you don’t have a systemic advantage over me, (neither do I over you, because I don’t live in the US and am a racial minority in the country I live in), you are still racist under the other just as valid definitions. They’re not outdated definitions, they’re official and still very much valid definitions that apply to you, a racist.

          I am not helping the right one bit, you are radicalizing the right by spreading hate against people who had nothing to do with building the system, or had anything to do with slavery. Why would anyone listen to a raging lunatic calling them all sorts of slurs? They’ll think “the fuck is wrong this person?”

          You are so blinded by hate, and so motivated to “get back at the oppressors” you would attack an entire race over it. Go outside.

          • The SpectreOP
            3 months ago

            Your definition is literally useless and outdated because it doesn’t take into consideration neither power dynamics nor the global systematic racism created by white imperialist countries which has existed for hundreds of years by this point. That is why in critical race theory, which actually studies how race affects groups in a scientific manner, only the second updated definition is used.

            You are literally helping the right so much by calling any criticism of the oppressor group as racist. This group literally created a system of oppression that keeps marginalized groups oppressed all over the world and constantly votes for policies that reinforce their supremacy in the system. That is pure right wing ideology.

            Bro, you literally don’t understand anything and just keep repeating the same nonesense over and over. It is making my head hurt honestly. Please read on critical race theory and stop spewing nonesense. Once you get yourself educated on power dynamics reach back to me. But meanwhile, please don’t waste my time with ignorant smart ass remarks from someone who doesn’t obviously know anything.

            • parpol@programming.dev
              3 months ago

              What criticism? Your post literally is “haha, look at sad white people after they get what’s coming to them”

              And your entire joke only works if “all of white people” was one single entity, but they’re not. A white person is not responsible for other white people.

              And why should that one white person just shut up and take the punches for something they’re not responsible for?

              But I will read CRT and get back to you one day. If it is based on science as you say, it should offer an explanation to why hate only is acceptable when it is directed at someone with a system advantage they didn’t ask for.

              • The SpectreOP
                3 months ago

                What criticism?

                That the white character is called a piece of shit for all that the character has done

                And your entire joke only works if “all of white people” was one single entity, but they’re not. A white person is not responsible for other white people.

                The point of the joke is to point out the history of oppression that white people have excerted to all those groups in the picture. Or all those groups just put as one entity as well?

                And why should that one white person just shut up and take the punches for something they’re not responsible for?

                The meme is about the oppression that white people have done, and how they are being called out on it, but acting like victims saying that being called out for it is oppression, when it is not.

                If you didn’t notice the characters of the meme represent groups, not just one person. If they did represent just one person, then that one person did all of that and then deserves to be called for all of that, no?

                But I will read CRT and get back to you one day. If it is based on science as you say

                You desperately need to!! Your understanding is very very lacking.

                • ThirdConsul
                  3 months ago

                  You need to chill dude. Contrary to your nick you’re not behaving cool.

                  Take a walk, shower, find a therapist to discuss your thoughts; and if you have one, and they don’t call you out on your behaviour here, change them.

                  Instead of being calm you read like as if you were panicking. Why? Someone calls you out on a shitty meme and you literally got feverish.