• z3rOR0ne
    17 hours ago

    Yeah, I watched that video in full. If you want to see the particular exchange in question, skip to 35:09.

    There were some half way decent arguments made throughout this…thing, but when that trans man got up and basically used Shapiro’s own shitty tactics against him, and then refused to play nice or give Ben any room to quickly change the subject or resort to his usual whataboutisms, I started to cry.

    In just a few short minutes this man said what so many have wanted to say to Ben for so long. That Ben’s truly dangerous and hateful rhetoric has real and profoundly harmful consequences for the people he demonizes.

    Ben pretends he’s the most reasonable of the right wing grifters, and maybe he is, but honestly, that means less than shit. I’ve seen liberals and democrats (even in this very video), acquiesce to Ben on certain issues because he puts on this false air of being some kind of reasonable conservative who simply has fundamentally different views than democrats and leftists, but he’s not.

    Ben Shapiro is not reasonable, he is not cordial, he is not even a remotely decent debater. He’s just a different flavor of right wing extremism that is just as dangerous and deplorable as Matt Walsh, Steven Crowder, Jeremy Boring, and the rest of the Daily Wire scum. The only thing that truly differentiates him from the others is that he’s Jewish, which honestly must keep him up late at night when he has to wrestle with the fact that once the republican party splinters in the upcoming years, will likely turn on him in ways that are reminiscent of the third reich.

    This awesome trans man spit some raw truth over that shithead’s face. I wish I could shake his hand. I could have watched two hours of him tearing Ben apart. Fuck Ben Shapiro.

    • Sunshine @lemmy.caOP
      13 hours ago

      Ben pretends he’s the most reasonable of the right wing grifters, and maybe he is, but honestly, that means less than shit.

      The only thing that truly differentiates him from the others is that he’s Jewish

      As much as I detest his terrible positions at-least he admits that he is a hypocrite for not being vegan. Its rare to see republicans have self reflection like that.

    • chuckleslord@lemmy.world
      14 hours ago

      Please don’t link that video. That company makes videos to make people mad and thus engage. They don’t need or deserve anyone’s support.

      • z3rOR0ne
        14 hours ago

        By that logic, we shouldn’t engage with the news as a whole, which does exactly as you describe.

        • Nalivai@lemmy.world
          7 hours ago

          And I would say yes, we shouldn’t. At least with those news outlets that do that. They do that because we engage with it, what’s better way to make them change their ways?

          • z3rOR0ne
            4 hours ago

            By changing human behavioral patterns that have been developed through evolutionary biases?

            Humans naturally gravitate towards and have a better recall memory for negative events and information because in the past that provided an advantage for survival. Modern media outlets are well aware of this and exploit this across the board.

            There is not a single source of news worth its salt that doesn’t exploit this except for maybe the Associated Press. So I guess only read that and stop engaging with all of social media and also media as a whole?

            I’m not going to say that I like this YT channel or the format they have created for this style of debate. The rest of their content seems pretty surface level to me, and seems to make way too many false equivalencies between two propped up viewpoints.

            That said, I don’t see any harm in sharing the specific video clip that the specific interaction referenced in the article. Asking to not share that information is akin to the early days of the internet where people ignorant of the nature of the medium simply shot their children’s computer screens with bullets, believing that was somehow a solution. It’s a naive argument that is so easily dismissed, it’s kind of laughable.

            And to pose the question of how to solve the problem comes off as disingenuous, as it is obvious to anyone that has spent any amount of time online that the only solution is to somehow make human beings not biologically inclined to focus on negatively impactful stimuli. This monumental task would likely take a few thousands of generations and a lot more understanding about evolutionary biology to rid human beings of this tendency. Sorry.