Supporting genocide is right-wing, “reaching across the isle” to republicans is right wing. Failing to defend people from republican policy is right wing. Listening to corporate needs before the general public is right-wing. Failing to enact leftist policy is right-wing. Sacrificing millions of people to a disease because you’re scared people will like welfare is right-wing. Hating communist countries and sanctioning them is right-wing. Filling your party with landlords is right-wing. Being buddies with war criminals like Bush JR just because he doesn’t like Trump is right-wing. And defending literal Nazis? Yeah, I shouldn’t have to tell you that’s right-wing.

If you support the Democrats you are not a leftist, you are not progressive, you are Trump with a blue coat of paint.

  • Southern Boy
    2 days ago

    I think you should consider abandoning the project of queering Nazi Germany and leave the apartheid settler state at the center of the imperial core yourself.

    When Che said he envies his comrades in the belly of the beast, he was talking about comrades in his struggle for justice. Not the struggle of Twitch streamers over whether unviable restoration of New Deal bargains with workers should be fey-queer or viciously normie frat boy flavored

    If you are unnerved by that let me clarify YES I prefer gay flavored New Deal but you’re not getting it until something is done about the financial structure of imperialism that impoverishes the vast majority of Americans outside the tech, legal, insurance, finance, medical, and realtor “industries” and I didn’t decide it.