In the last week:

I started using Syncthing. I was using cloud storage as a way of copying files from one device to another. Syncthing is so much better.

I signed up with Mullvad VPN yesterday.

Deleted my Surfshark account today which I signed up with over two years ago when I didn’t care about privacy.

Finally convinced my sister to start using Signal.

  • @understandable
    811 months ago

    This actually drastically decreases privacy and makes you more trackable. The best thing to do with your user agent is to set it to the most common one and leave it at that. Anything else (especially an ever-changing one) is a much more uniquely identifying piece of information.

      10 months ago

      Try Vivaldi browser, it’s old school Opera with a Chrome dress on. So you get the benefits of Chrome with the focus on privacy and innovation of old school Opera.

      (Replied to the wrong comment but you get the gist.)