by #NormanSolomon - Truthdig Columnist

August 15, 2024


  • UltraGiGaGigantic
    5 months ago

    As vice president, Humphrey assisted Johnson to follow up on the 1964 Civil Rights Act with the 1965 Voting Rights Act and a huge set of antipoverty measures while enacting broad social programs in realms of education, health care, nutrition, housing and the environment. Midway through the summer of 1965, Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law.

    Remember positive rights legislation? Me neither.

    The democrats would prefer trump to win then to stop shipping arms to Israel.

    First-past-the-post voting has got to go, we deserve the freedom to vote for who best represents us.

    If the blue conservatives really believed what they said about the republicans (fascist, their project, their goal of dissolving the nation) they would be fallingg over themselves to pass electoral reform. If we truly face an existential threat as a nation, it doesn’t matter who beats the republicans. Who wouldn’t want more chances to beat back this sort of threat to our national sovereignty?

    Maybe the democratic party doesn’t believe in democracy.