I really enjoy Firefox on Android as I can install a bunch of extensions and I find those extensions game changer, especially on the mobile.

One of my favorites are

  • Libredirect - literally one of my favorite ones. Redirects popular sites to privacy focused frontends, like YouTube to Invidious, etc.
  • uBlock Origin - I guess everyone knows this one
  • Privacy Badger - blocks trackers
  • Ghostery - blocks trackers, ads, scripts, etc.

What extensions do you guys use?

  • JustMarkov
    28 days ago

    •uBlock Origin - I guess everyone knows this one •Privacy Badger - blocks trackers •Ghostery - blocks trackers, ads, scripts, etc.

    You don’t need all of that at once. Privacy Badger and Ghostery are redundant with uBlock Origin and Total Cookie Protection. Source: https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/wiki/4.1-Extensions#-dont-bother.

    Also, Ghostery is kinda shady in terms of opt-out tracking and showing ads to its own users. I don’t know if they still do it, but my trust is already shattered and I see no reason to keep using Ghostery.