I’ve always been partial to tank and dps, two low maintenance roles in a traditional party. Back when I played Everquest live in 2000 I had a Paladin and a Monk I’d trade off on back and forth. Though I never got to do raids it was still fun to do small pick up groups in dungeons like Crushbone or Blackburrow where I tanked on the Paladin or did assist dps on the Monk.

  • novibe
    2 months ago

    Yo yo yo, RO is based. Loved it so much growing up. I played a Sage and a Monk. The game used to come free with a cereal box in my country. All the kids in my neighbourhood started playing together.

    I’ll always love RO. The music is so nostalgic to me. I sometimes catch it randomly in some YouTuber or another’s background music.