In the FAQ section, the answer to “Can I use Firefox Sync with LibreWolf? Is it safe to do so?” is that There aren’t any major privacy or security downsides in doing so, as Firefox Sync encrypts your data locally before transmitting it to the server”.

So why does LibreWolf disable it by default?

  • KrustyOP
    42 years ago

    Thanks for the answers :) I think that’s reasonable but I also think that changing about:config (or LW config) isn’t something that anyone could do. So I’m assuming that LibreWolf is not meant for everyone? Not for newbies certainly?

    • @fishonthenetM
      42 years ago

      it probably takes some getting used to, yeah. however (I maintain the settings) I try to trim the number of about:config changes needed as much as possible, so that it’s not annoying for users.

      • @chris002
        2 years ago

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