    2 years ago

    She directly writes that she is a blogger + the writes posts and not articles on her Wordpress blog page. It is an blog post. Maybe actually learn the difference before yo claim wrongfully something.

    You are intentionally rude to others and call their opinion shitsposts, that is the bottom line. Yes I do judge you by this.

    • @Gamerie@feddit.de
      42 years ago

      It is a series of paragraphs with low quality content, i.e. shitpost. Doesn’t matter if it’s fact or opinion, if it’s low quality it’s shit.

        2 years ago

        It is her opinion. What you post here is to smear her blog post. But I expect nothing less from toxic fanboys.

        Only low-quality I have seen here is coming from you. People, especially like environmentalists like her care about such things like bitcoin and so because they think it is a problem, which is not entirely wrong.

        • @Gamerie@feddit.de
          2 years ago

          Finally we get to the topic :)

          Apple is not environmental friendly. That was my point. If she’d really care, she wouldn’t use apple products.

          I know that bitcoin is a waste of ressources, although much of the energy is green energy and wouldn’t be used otherwise. But mozilla also accepted doge which is not that bad. She could just use doge and tell the world how bad bitcoin is and that people shall use doge instead. Or even better use a really environmental friendly cc like iota, nano, etc.

          • CHEF-KOCHOP
            2 years ago
            • There is not much browser choice at all, especially on iOS. Safari is proven to be secure and considerable privacy friendly for Apple standards. Safari, last time I checked did not accept crypto, which was her point in switching.
            • Mozilla did no research on the crypto topic, they could have used more climate friendly options, they exists, instead they did exactly what the mainstream does. Mozilla is not better and people expected higher standards from Mozilla which is why they got criticized from their own creators.
            • Your argument that Mozilla accepts crypto only for one week is wrong. Mozilla began accepting bitcoin for donations in 2014.

            Coin system per see is not bad, mining is. This is what you, Mozilla and whole lots of people do not understand. The transaction from purely transaction in crypto is much more environment friendly than tradition banking systems, but people abuse everything to cash-gab others and selfish profit reason, alias mining.

            You had no point at all, you tried to undermine and bash someones opinion which you do not like, this is baseless defending and toxic as well as disrespectful. Does not surprise me why more people leave Firefox, because lots of people do nothing to improve the product at all, instead they defend Moz wrongdoing.

              • CHEF-KOCHOP
                -42 years ago

                Mozilla already lost, I agree here … trust… users and reputation.