• @wiki_me
    616 days ago

    Integrating with patreon or opencollective where one of the rewards is access to supporter only lemmy communities might be a good use case for a plugin system.

    • @Kichae@lemmy.ca
      315 days ago

      Yeah, if we want to get people off of centralized, private social media sites, we really need Patreon integration for a range of fedi services. It’s one of the significant pipelines for Discord adoption.

      Lemmy/*bin, PeerTube, Matrix, what have you all have immediate drop-in replacement value. Other services, like Mastodon, don’t have the same level of potential segmentation and exclusivity inherent in how they’re built, but it’d be a way to set up paid access servers.

      These kinds of gateways are important for actually making the fediverse seem like a viable alternative. Right now, the incentives are driving people toward closed gardens and destroying the open internet.

      • @EinfachUnersetzlich@lemm.ee
        114 days ago

        we really need Patreon integration

        Hard disagree. As one of the people whose personal details and payment information were leaked by Patreon a few years ago I would rather nothing in the fediverse had anything to do with that company.

        • @Kichae@lemmy.ca
          14 days ago

          Cool. You… don’t have to use it, or any sites that leverage it. But the Fediverse is an open network, and to that extent it should be able to support everyone’s needs. But if we want the Fediverse to be anything other than an internet enthusiast circlejerk, rather than a backbone technology for the internet, then supporting a wide variety of use cases is necessary.