Germany could shut down Telegram if the messenger service popular with far-right groups and people opposed to pandemic-related restrictions continues to violate German law, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said in remarks published on Wednesday.
As far is I am aware there is no official statement yet and this may not be censorship but it sure looks that way. Perhaps someone else knows more about this?
While I am not particularly fond of said journalist this is definitely a step into the wrong direction.
Please note that Apple and Google apparently already started censoring content related to covid on Telegram in Germany a few days ago. Boris Reitschuster’s channel ( with about 300K members is currently not available for the App/Play-Store version of Telegram:
As far is I am aware there is no official statement yet and this may not be censorship but it sure looks that way. Perhaps someone else knows more about this?
While I am not particularly fond of said journalist this is definitely a step into the wrong direction.