• @maegul
    2717 days ago

    One potential PoC for a plug-in could be a “conversation listener”?

    Something which notifies you whenever a new comment or reply is made to a selected post/comment, so that you can keep track of any new conversation.

    Dunno how viable that sort of thing would be though … how could plugins affect the UI? Plus the plug-in would need its own database.

    Beyond that, moderation seems like an obvious application?

    Perhaps some sort of wiki like application, where posts containing certain tags or other markers get automatically organised someway in a separate post or page?

    • @Corngood
      1617 days ago

      Something which notifies you whenever a new comment or reply is made to a selected post/comment, so that you can keep track of any new conversation.

      Something like this would be awesome as a core Lemmy feature IMO. It would essentially turn a post (or maybe any comment tree?) into a matrix style room. Lemmy is actually decent for long term discussion (e.g. helping someone with a problem), but not if there are more than two people involved.

      • panned_cakes [none/use name]
        217 days ago

        Having a toggleable option to get notifications from replies to your repliers, and so on, would be a lot more helpful than the microblog style of @mentioning every person above you in a chain.